Endoscope consumables
Stone retrieval basket is a medical device mainly used for capturing and removing stones or foreign objects from the body under endoscopy. It is usually used in conjunction with endoscopes and is suitable for surgical fields such as urinary tract and biliary tract, for the treatment of stone diseases.
Biopsy Forceps is a medical device used to collect samples of certain tissues, cells, or tumors in the human body for observation and pathological examination. There are various types of sampling forceps widely used in the medical field, such as gastrointestinal endoscopy, pulmonary endoscopy, hysteroscopy, nasal endoscopy, etc. Sampling pliers with different structures have their own functional uses and can generally be divided into the following types:
1. Hook shaped sampling forceps: The end of the hook shaped sampling forceps is bent at a sharp angle, suitable for cutting deep tissues such as endometrium.
2. Straight sampling forceps: The straight sampling forceps have a straight end and are suitable for sampling shallow tissues, such as oral mucosa.
3. Round head sampling forceps: The end of the round head sampling forceps is hemispherical in shape and is suitable for sampling smooth surface tissues such as the cervix.
4. Hook round sampling forceps: The end of the hook round sampling forceps is both hemispherical and curved, suitable for sampling various types of tissues, such as the stomach.